Last week was the latest installment of the Ajax Experience in San Francisco. More low-key than last year’s conference, I left the main corridor only to give two talks, one on Dojo and one on Comet. I met a lot of people I had been wanting to meet for a while, and caught up with most of the usual suspects. Interest in Dojo 0.9 was strong, and there were a lot of good questions about Comet, as well as a great discussion at the end of the Comet talk with Greg Wilkins and Joe Walker in the crowd and participating.

If there was one point to take away from the conference, it was that everyone there has now bought into Ajax. Last year’s most frequently asked question, “What about accessibility?”, has now been answered in great detail by Dojo and Dijit. I believe this year’s theme was all about performance. Everyone has had another year to work with web apps, expectations are higher, and everyone wants to do more for less. This isn’t a great shock or surprise, but the comments from people attending the Dojo 0.9 talk tell me that the improvements we have made can’t come fast enough.