Viewing a collection of data in tabular or list form is one of the central components of many applications. We are working on a new design to fulfill the need for a grid to quickly navigate sets of data with familiar controls for productive user interaction in the new world of mobile, lightweight applications. The Dojo DataGrid has long provided a comprehensive grid for Dojo users, but years of Dojo evolution have reached their limit with this component. What was originally a stand-alone, full-featured grid has been migrated to using Dojo modules, asynchronous stores, and more. Consequently the DataGrid is suboptimal and difficult to customize and extend. The time has come for a fresh start on the grid. We have been collaborating with IBM on a new grid, and I wanted to share some of the design goals of our development before actually demonstrating the new grid.


The first goal is a grid that can easily be used in mobile applications. This means the grid needs to support mobile-style touch scrolling, including inertia-based scrolling, bouncing at limits, and hovering scrollbars on scroll. Mobile-ready does not mean that the grid is mobile-only. One should easily be able to create applications that are beautiful on the desktop and mobile devices without having to create separate applications. The “mobile context” is quickly becoming the new evil “built for Internet Explorer 6.0” of the web, but applications need to have appropriate controls for touch devices. The next implication of mobile-ready is that components need to be lightweight…


As mentioned before, the existing Dojo DataGrid is large. Minified it is over 150KB with dependencies. We set out to create a grid that can be minified to less than 30KB. The new grid is also designed to take advantage of “baseless” Dojo. This means that it explicitly depends on specific Dojo modules and can actually be built with a subset of Dojo base rather than relying on full Dojo. Minified Dojo base is around 90KB, but the new grid works with a small subset of this. Your total application JavaScript can be remarkably small with this new grid, giving you blazing fast load times.

Modular and Composable

The new grid is also designed to be highly modular. The grid package is designed to consist of various different modules or plugins that can be combined by the developer to create a grid with exactly the functionality that is needed. This furthers the goal of being lightweight. This also makes it much easier to work with the grid. The grid package is designed to consist of clean, modular classes, each being only a couple hundred lines or less of well-commented code, making it easy to understand the existing codebase. And because grids are created with straightforward class/mixin composition with dojo.declare, it is very simple to extend existing modules or create new modules to add functionality to the grid.

Dojo Object Store Driven

The new grid is designed to be driven by the new object store API. It improves on the existing API, is very simple, easy to use, and standards-based (based on the standard HTML5 IndexedDB object store API), and will be fully supported by the new grid.


The new grid is designed be fast. Very fast. The new lightweight design for quick loading is one of the most important aspects, but the grid also employs the latest techniques for performance optimization at runtime. Perhaps most importantly is reduction of layout measurements, one of the most expensive operations that can possibly be executed on the browser. These operations force browser layout overhead and substantially harm performance. The existing DataGrid performs significant measurement operations, often measuring every single row. The new grid is designed to only measure when absolutely necessary, with only one or two measurements being performed in a typical setup.

DOM-based Element Creation

The existing DataGrid was also built in the day when innerHTML was the fastest way to create DOM structures. Now our most performance sensitive environment is on the mobile device running WebKit where innerHTML sets are actually much slower than DOM element creation calls. Using DOM-based operations can also greatly simplify code. Typically most elements that are created need to be referenced for various operations like setting event handlers. The old innerHTML methods are extremely brittle and difficult to extend, typically require complicated refactors to do string manipulations and timeout-based querying to retrieve element handles. By using DOM operations, it is easy to track references and build extensions that can naturally modify individual elements.


Rather than programmatic measurement-driven layout, the new grid is designed to rely on CSS to layout the grid. Not only does this perform much better, it makes it much easier to style the grid and customize the look and layout. The existing DataGrid relies too much on programmatic styling which involves setting inline styles. This is rightly considered harmful as it puts in place styles with the highest level of specificity, making it very painful to override the styles in user stylesheets.

CSS Modularity

The new grid is designed to utilize CSS best practices with proper separation of structure and skin. The new grid utilizes a new CSS plugin to auto-load the structural CSS (no more manual addition of component-specific styles!), and generic skin CSS can be applied to give different color schemes and themes.

Simple List Support

Often applications need to render a list of data, but don’t want to use column-based grids. The grid package will use a general purpose list base class that can be used to simply display a set of data in rows (with any custom row rendering) while still leveraging functionality like touch scrolling, store interaction, sorting, virtual scrolling/paging, and performance optimizations!

The new grid is also designed to easily render from a simple JavaScript array of data without having to go through an object store. While object stores can be a powerful tool for abstracting away the complexity of server interaction, paging, sorting, and object manipulation, being able to use a simple array can make simple lists and grids much easier to create.

New Event Support

The new grid is designed to leverage the new event handling capabilities in Dojo 1.7. This includes the succinct on() method for listening to events, and the new grid will also fire native DOM events for actions like data changes and row/cell selection.

Tree Module

The new grid will include a tree module to make it easy to create expanding grids. The tree plus grid is a powerful combination for display of hierarchical data.

Hopefully you are looking forward to the new grid. Next we will take a look at the actual grid and see how we can use it today.