Next in our ongoing series of Dojo tutorials, learn what’s available Beyond Dojo’s Core.

More than just DOM and Ajax

One of the things that differentiates Dojo from many other JavaScript libraries is its scope. While you can simply use dojo.js with all its language helpers, DOM, Ajax, effects and other common functionality, the toolkit provides much, much more. In this tutorial, we’ll go on a quick tour of the Dojo Toolkit, to introduce some of the other components that are shipped with each release.

Check it out!

Ready to learn more? Check out the tutorial.

Want to see a specific Tutorial? Want to Learn More?

Is there something you’d like to learn how to do with Dojo? Always wanted to know how something in Dojo works? Leave us a message in the blog comments and we’ll see about getting a tutorial created for you. Or sign-up for an upcoming SitePen Dojo Workshop to get a fully immersive hands-on experience with Dojo.