Intern is an incredibly powerful and feature-rich approach to all types of JavaScript and TypeScript testing. Intern 4 is a major update refactored in TypeScript and with much improved support for modern language features and support for ESM as well as bundlers like webpack.

Can I test ________   with Intern?

Since the start of Intern, we’ve been asked if Intern can be used to test a wide variety of approaches to building JavaScript and TypeScript based applications. Regardless of the library or framework your application uses, client–side and server–side, you can test it with Intern. That said, each framework may need help to make it easier to test things.


The Angular project provides an out of the box approach to testing with some helpful guidance and utilities, but the choice of testing tools does not provide the wide range of testing features offered by Intern. So our team has created initial test helpers and a tutorial to make it easier to test modern Angular applications with Intern 4.

To start testing your Angular application with Intern 4, you should first read the general Intern 4 tutorial.

Once you’ve read through this tutorial and are familiar with the basics of Intern, you should then clone our Intern example-angular tutorial and follow the readme. The tutorial contains all of the specs from Angular’s test guide as well as some extras. Test specs have been reformatted and converted to using Intern best practices. The tutorial also references an early version of an Intern angular plugin to simplify some of the patterns followed when testing Angular applications with Intern.

Let us know if you have suggestions for how we can improve the Angular and Intern 4 testing experience!